PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG Trust

Money Summary *

* transfers in and out ...that we know about
Money Out




Directly Connected to PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG Trust (6 records)

454$110,0002018PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG TrustAustralian Conservatives0outgoing
457$100,0002018PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG TrustLiberals (Federal)0outgoing
3401$72,9902022PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG TrustLiberal National Party (QLD)0outgoing
4118$32,3182023PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG TrustLiberal National Party (QLD)0outgoing
456$9,0502018PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG TrustLiberals (NSW)0outgoing
455$2,3902018PG Consolidated Pty Ltd as Trustee for PG TrustNationals (Federal)0outgoing

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